Bio & Resume

About Kurt

Kurt was born on October 30th 1991, in Fontana California. His family eventually settled down in his hometown of Grants Pass Oregon where he grew up for the rest of his adolescent life. The magic of childhood education formed his love for reading and writing. His passion for writing started in his third-grade class with a fiction story writing assignment. The feeling of pure joy filled Kurt’s entire body as he wrote a story all his own, and though the story didn’t win any awards, Kurt was hooked from there on out. Other such milestones included writing other stories in school and then, without an invitation, reading them in front of his class because he felt the drive to do so. 

Years later Kurt wrote a bucket list, and on that list was to write and publish a novel. After seeing a friend publish his own book, he gained the confidence and inspiration that he too could also write and publish a book. Though his first book, “Rye’s Rite”, does not have a traditional publisher yet, self-publishing made this bucket list item come true. After finishing the book Kurt rediscovered why he loved writing so much. Some of these reasons are, the intense feeling of creativity, being able to create people, places, and things out of thin air, and the like.

Kurt attended Brigham Young University and eventually got a bachelor’s in social cultural anthropology. He is now working on a bachelor’s degree for videogame design at the University of Utah.

Time for writing is mainly limited to a few hours after his kids go to bed, but Kurt tries to do it as often as he can, as life allows. He loves to write fiction and is currently focusing on a couple books yet to be published. One book being the script for an indie role playing videogame.

Published Works

YA Novel "Rye's Rite"


Work Experience

Video Game News and Opinion Writer -Personal Blog Writing Portfolio:
June 2020- The Present

  • Write opinion pieces and game reviews for the website
  • Perform editing and rereading before posting
  • Make articles interesting by placing images
  • Make sure the post subject is interesting before writing, Spanish Fork Utah — Web Design and Social Media Production, March 2021- The Present 

  • Produce Social Media Posts multiple times a week
  • Post in various groups and pages across the internet
  • Develop large amounts of reputable organic traffic
  • Sold hundreds of dollars of merchandise

Uintah Wasatch Cache National Forest, Salt Lake City, Utah, Customer Service Representative at Front Desk

August 2023 - August 2024

  • Wrote articles for the forest service newsletter that helped inform employees and the public about important events affecting the forest.
  • Took phone calls to resolve questions that the public had while providing information about various trails, campgrounds, and forest service attractions.
  • Responsible for mailing out vehicle mileage to record usage within the forest district.

Umpqua National Forest, Toketee, Oregon, Visitor Services Information Assistant

February 2022 - August 2023

  • Trained in permit allotment for various special forest service projects while using financial federal systems to charge visitors money for permits.
  • Inputted power bills into Excel spreadsheets to record district electricity usage for federal property.
  • Responsible for visitor center front desk and organizing it in a way to help the public.
  • Made and distributed copies of maps and information papers to help the public understand the forest.
  • Responsible for mailing out vehicle mileage to record usage within the forest district.


University of Utah, BA in Game Design (in Progress)

BYU Provo (University), BA in Social Cultural Anthropology 

 BYU-Idaho (University) Associates Degree

Diploma of Graduation, Grants Pass High School, Grants Pass, OR,  2010

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