I have to say, these talk to text programs I'm using have really helped me. Otherwise, I'd be quiet or listening to a podcast while driving. Which is fine sometimes. I’m really excited to meet a daily or weekly quota while driving to school or dropping off my kids. In fact right now I'm writing this newsletter as I drive to the University of Utah. I've actually put down some words I needed for the last couple of chapters in my book as well and I'll be now working on some newer chapters I thought I wouldn’t see for a while. For the longest time I just haven't been able to finish the chapters I've been on. Now that I have, to a point, I will be able to focus on other chapters, that 's great in my mind.
This semester at school I have a coding class for a language called python and also an easier class called survey of games which I think is just looking at different game genres but I'm not quite sure what it is yet. I will let you all know once I actually go to the classes. What I've been wanting to do more often now is make Youtube videos. That's right I actually have a YouTube channel but it's more about video games and my thoughts on them. If that is something that you're interested in you're very welcome to subscribe. This last week I did a video called “Smells Like: Dragon Quest 8”.
These videos are a way that I can talk about a game that I'm either playing or that I finished. Kind of focusing on what makes every game itself. Each game has a feeling to it and I'm trying to get down to what specific games smell like, but then also talk about what I enjoy about them, or don't. If anybody has any other ideas for types of gaming videos I can do that they haven't seen on YouTube yet, that they would like to see, let me know!
When it comes to video games, there are a lot of YouTube channels about every little niche of every single thing one can think of, so the only other thing I can think of when it came to YouTube videos was my idea of smells like videos. And obviously putting my own personality into it as this is something that no other creator could do anyways. Personalities are something that will always be an evergreen thing that you can focus on when it comes to videos on YouTube.
Here's the latest video that I did and also here is the link to my YouTube channel if you'd like to subscribe. Beyond that there won't be a whole lot of time for other creative endeavors. It'll literally just be homework, writing a book and possibly editing YouTube videos while making the script for those YouTube videos. I want to get better at editing, this is the way.
The last two chapters of the book that I wrote basically focused on our main character Boyd getting captured by a ghost frog king who wanted to eat him because of how he accidentally murdered a bunch of frogs that he had captured in a frog pond and put in a jar. The chapter is about him escaping the stomach of the Frog.
The other chapter is about Boyd going to a playground and getting a certain spirit power that morphs the playground into a maze. This helps get Boyd into a laboratory of a kid scientist who is studying how to travel between the mortal and spirit worlds.
I want to make each of these chapters interesting and different. They're more episodic than they are one continuous story, even though they do all happen right after each other. I hope one day soon that I will be able to finish this first draft so that I can throw in some tidbits and maybe even put some chapters into these newsletters. So that you all can get to know the feeling of the book. Once I get there I'm open for beta readers to help me out with this new book, I'll need at least a couple because after all is said and done, what I've written might be better after people have read it.
Let me know if you're interested in this by emailing me at my email address kurtless64@gmail. I'll let you all know how this new schedule is for me going forward for reading and feel free to always email me if there's something that you'd like me to write about, let me know! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
All Rights Reserved | Kurtless Inc.