Song: Nothing (cause some days, you’re not singing inside your brain lobes)
It is now 11:07 pm as I start to write this post. Today was a usual day at work, nor overly stressful, which is nice. I had planned to make dinner when I got home and eventually work on a video edit about a videogame I had played. As well as read a book about making stories, as I feel a little stuck on my next novel “Ghost Boyd”, which again is still a working title. Unfortunately none of that happened, and that was OK for today.
Part of loving someone is, as you may have heard, putting them in front of yourself. This sentimental phrase has become sort of a cliche’. But be that as it may, it's true. The moment I got home my wife said she needed help at her job. I obliged and did just that. By the time the necessary tasks were complete, I was home at around 9:30 pm. I still had to put the kids to bed and do some dishes etc., adult, parent things. And after those tasks, it was 10:30 pm.
Sometimes it's OK to not have time for creative endeavors, if the reason is proper. I remind myself on days like this. Showing love to one’s partner should never be a backup plan. Certain days do not grant you the wish of writing or video editing time. Maybe it's a sentence's worth, or one second of footage to edit only. And sometimes it's a blog post reflecting on all these ideas.
Life happens, beating ourselves up for not writing 2,000 words a day is never going to make us improve. Beating someone I would think never makes a person want to do something, instead they will despise it. There's a lot to do, always. Let's do what we can, even as time passes on without us. That was supposed to sound smart, but it wasn’t actually.
Kurt Jensen
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