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Opinion: Why Megaman Legends Rocks

Opinion: Why Megaman Legends Rocks

The late 90s had given almost every video game character a 3D world to run around in. Mario, Sonic, even Bomberman. And though Megaman games were still rocking the 2D pseudo 3D plane, no one could deny the question coming, why not Megaman? Enter the game Megaman Legends or Megaman 64 for those with an n64. Compared to other 3D action platformers of the day Mega Man Legends wasn’t the prettiest and was made for the bad d-pad of the original Playstation fame. But despite all these design flaws, I want to convince you why the Mega Man Legends series is underrated and mega awesome.

The world created within the Legends series was made around the story which I think is the preferred way to do it. Everything made within the environment has a reason for being there which gives meaning to each and every structure. For example the first rune you find outside the town market was placed there because it’s a remnant of a highly technological civilization. People called diggers go down to explore them in order to obtain energy to fuel their ways of life up above. Watch the enormous introduction in Mega Man Legends if you want to know more about that, or better yet play the game. With that cool sci-fi background Capcom, as usual, developed a killer soundtrack for all the Legend series games. While also sounding different to other Mega Man titles the emphasis on different brass instruments and international variation keep the games upbeat and exciting. Besides the music being great, the side characters also tend to shine.

The Servbots for example, or as some call them “Lego Men” have been in many other games like Marvel vs. Capcom or as a mask accessory in Dead Rising. By being in many other games, it shows the fan favorite status of these little yellow and blue dudes. In Legends 2, the villain Glide and his bird-bots have so much personality and thought put into them. Even the common enemies called Reaver-bots are deep and perplexing with their background story being robots working out of energy stored for thousands of years underground, protecting, something. There isn’t just a few robot masters there are hundreds and each proved to be a unique challenge. Not only does Mega Man and his enemies have personalities but also the supporting cast.

Instead of Dr. light and Roll being static non-helping individuals after each level, we get some really interesting supporting characters that actually serve a purpose. Mainly professor Barrel or Gramps, data the, uh, eccentric monkey who also is used for a save point of sorts (monkeys in diapers dancing around just makes me happy) and certainty not least Roll. She is so much more important here then in other Megaman games. She’s a mechanic and upgrades your weapons and oversees repairs of everything that Megaman and the crew uses. No longer does she stay in the lab doing, something, but she’s out on the frontlines making machine guns, landmines and rocket launchers. That’s the Roll I know.

Speaking of awesome artillery, the weapon upgrade system in the Legends series is akin to synthesis or alchemy pot mechanics of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest game fame. The only difference is there are fewer of them which I really don’t mind and there are usually only one of that ingredient or part in the overworld so when you find one it’s like you found a diamond. It’s awesome how versatile and different each weapon is from land mines to mid and long-range weapons. Long gone are the robot master’s leftover cogs. Another great thing about these weapons is that they are cosmetic and not just additional numbers attached to your character, which is above many classic RPGs these days. You actually need to find Megaman’s classic helmet, he doesn’t come with it. You can also find parts that upgrade his jumping height and, skate shoes everybody, skate shoes! Megaman did it before Jet Set Radio, minus the funky tunes.

But it’s the side quests with the main story that make the series a worthwhile romp. From buying Megaman Buster parts armor and all kinds of upgrades to aesthetics and various pieces of weaponry the side quests are awesome. One of my favorites is completing the various minigames within the broadcasting building in Legends 1 because it tests my control of Megaman. But my most favorite minigame is, wait for it…kick the can! In another game a can is either stuck in one place or has no purpose but in Legends 1 in the shopping district if you kick the can into a trash can or a specific shop area you get money, somehow, this is all possible because of a superpower Mega Man has never had before, drumroll please…Mega Man, can, kick! He has a designated kick button that is from what I know meant for six things. One kicking cans, two kicking serve-bots, three kicking rabbits, four kicking pigs, five kicking dogs, and six kicking soda machines. Mega Man doesn’t seem to like animals in this series…

Besides kicking the literal daylights out of stuff, side quests also involve repairing a town, filling a museum full of reaver-bot artifacts, backtrack treasure hunting, and finding parts to upgrade your weapons. Something to be noted that I like, the side quests aren’t just reskined fetch quests, they bring various activities to the table like license exams, quizzes and so on. Again, the side quests work because of the continual emphasis on the story which to me is a good post-apocalyptic story that was akin to Zelda the Wind Waker way before Windwaker. I say this because of the endless ocean aspect, with a few islands existing that people live on. I don’t want to spoil any major story elements but for those who haven’t played the games yet you’re in for a treat. The hope I have is not just to prove to you that Megaman Legends is a great series, but to show you all that Megaman Legends is awesome and definitely a game series every gamer should play. Of course there are aspects of the game that aren’t great, but that’s not the point of this article. I hope you will play the Megaman Legends series and think fondly of it as I have.

P.S. Readers:

Mega Man Legends 3 is still in the forefront of my gaming mind. I was devastated when it was canceled. If you are like me and are still sad over this decision tell Capcom your desire for Legends 3 to come back into the forefront. Nothing is certain but we have to try, my Mega Buster salutes you.

Sincerely, Kurt Jensen

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