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The Backlog #1- SteamWorld Dig 2

The Backlog #1- SteamWorld Dig 2

Gamers tend to stop playing a game or not even start one because of one reason or another. Many times these games sit quietly in the backlog. These backlog blog posts are meant to record my journey as I go back and finish games that I have started but never finished, or just have, and I've never played them. Here are my thoughts on games in my backlog after I've finally finished them.

Steam World Dig 2

I hadn't played the original SteamWorld Dig but after hearing some fellow Nintendo Switch fans loving SteamWorld Dig 2, I bought the sequel on the eshop early in the Switch's lifespan. I understand what they loved about it, the game loop was simple yet insanely fun, and how you control your character with grappling hooks and rocket packs, made traversal so much fun. In the game, you play a western-style robot who digs underground for different ores you can bring to the surface and exchange for money. With this money, you can upgrade your body with weapons and tools that make exploring the underground caverns easier. That simple loop of digging deep and returning to the surface is what makes SteamWorld Dig 2 enjoyable to play.

The game is akin to many exploratory 2D side strollers, think Metroid, Castlevania, Hollow Knight etc. It's those games, but with resources you dig up, like in Terraria or Minecraft. What's not to love? The story leads you along as well, making you go to all the digging zones that exist in the game. The mystery and intrigue of the tale really take you on an enjoyable video game story ride. The art is unique and pretty, the aesthetic nails what the developers wanted the game to be.


I'm so happy I finished  SteamWorld Dig 2. If it's still in your backlog, don't hesitate to finish this beauty of a game. It's definitely worth your time. The atmosphere and gameplay really draw you into a wonderful game. If you haven't played it, and you want an exploratory side stroller that isn't crazy long, this is the game for you!

I'm also open to work in the gaming editorial space. Send me a message at if you are interested in hiring me.

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