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The Backlog #3- Grim Fandango Remastered

The Backlog #3- Grim Fandango Remastered

You should play Grim Fandango Remastered, it's a really fun game to play, with a guide. Once you start playing you can tell it's a product of yester-year point and click adventures, graphics aside, some of the logic is kind of strange, thus the "with a guide" rule in the first sentence of this article.  For example, one of the puzzles was me filling a ship in a bottle full of a liquid, then giving it to my friend who drank it, then vomiting it up on a pile of booby trapped dominoes. The barf filled the room, not knocking over the dominoes. Then I had to use a can of liquid nitrogen to freeze the barf to walk across it, freezing the booby trap made earlier. I love the creativity of it, but I couldn't have figured that out myself, not in a million years. I probably just would have to guess until the end of time. But with a guide, the game gets way more fun.

I read somewhere that this game got awards for its writing, and I understand why. Tim Schaefer, the gaming legend himself, wrote this game. It's got a lot of ups and downs, and the story of a land of the dead travel agent unraveling a mystery is a unique one. The characters range from a motor head demon to fire beavers. It's kooky and interesting, you never really know what is going to happen next, which is what good writing is, to a point. The game usually goes on sale on steam for cheap, so pick it up and be patient with yourself. By all means try to figure out the puzzles yourself, but try twice, and if you haven't figured it out, just look up a guide. You are going to have a lot more fun that way, trust me. 

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