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5 Major Wii U Titles that still haven't come to Switch

5 Major Wii U Titles that still haven't come to Switch

Some may argue that all the big Wii-U titles have now come to the Nintendo Switch. Indeed, titles such as Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros U, and Bayonetta 2 are examples of this idea. They would be right if it weren't for five titles that still haven't gotten the re-release treatment:

The Legend of Zelda: The WindWaker HD

Those who have played the original Gamecube classic got a real treat when Windwaker HD was released. Not only were the graphics vastly improved, but also some of the more tiresome aspects of the game were as well, like the faster sail, and the reorganization of the Triforce piece quest. For many Zelda fans, WindWaker is a favorite. Nintendo could release this game for close to full price and could sell it yet again to Nintendo fans. Why hasn't it been released then? Perhaps Nintendo is still planning some big classic Zelda Game bundle reveal, or they have something else in mind.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

Yet another HD remake of a Gamecube game that is loved by fans who liked the gritty adult style of Zelda to WindWaker's more cel-shaded graphics. Twilight Princess HD even included Amiibo support in the Wolf Link Figurine that can famously be used in Breath of the Wild. This classic can't be forgotten by Nintendo, something is afoot, yes definitely. One can guess that Nintendo has this game and WindWaker in the same pocket, waiting for...something to happen.

Nintendo Land

Here's a title that used the Wii U Gamepad in interesting ways, and maybe that is exactly why it hasn't come to the Switch. Looking at Nintendo's recent reformatting of Skyward Sword by making the Wii Motion controls translate to control sticks, and knowing the creative methods Nintendo has invented in the past, they are more than capable of translating this Wii U classic to the Switch.

NES Remix 1 & 2

If you have ever played a Warioware you know that they include little snippets of classic Nintendo titles in their microgame gameplay. The NES Remix games were kind of like that, but with a twist. For those that have played them, the games were a blast. It could be so easy to make a deluxe bundle that has 1 and 2 together. They brought Pikmin 3 over already, the Remix games can't be out of the question, and with the NES branding included it could be a secret cash cow for Nintendo.

What other Wii-U games should be on the Switch that aren't already? Let me know in the comments below.

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